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Mostrando postagens de novembro 27, 2011

The Conscious Competence Ladder

Explaining the Model: Consciousness is the first step towards gaining knowledge. To learn new skills and to gain knowledge you need to be conscious of what you do and do not know. Next, competence is your ability to do things. You may be highly competent in one area, but have no skill in another. Your competence level will depend on the task or job at hand. The idea is that as you build expertise in a new area, you move from "unconscious incompetence" to "conscious incompetence" and then to "conscious competence", finally reaching "unconscious competence." Level 1 – Unconscious Incompetence (You Don't Know that You Don't Know) At this level you are blissfully ignorant: You have a complete lack of knowledge and skills in the subject in question. On top of this, you are unaware of this lack of skill, and your confidence may therefore far exceed your abilities. Level 2 – Conscious Incompetence (You Know that You

Marketing: Imagen y comunicación

La imagen y comunicación del marketing juegan un rol fundamental en la percepcion del cliente. Es transversal, por lo que afecta a todas las industrias. La percepeción del cliente se ve influida por: 1-Lo que sería optimo, es decir el servicio deseado. 2-La percepción de servicio, lo minimo que esta dispuesto a aceptar un cliente para estar satisfecho. Este minimo esta influido por: las experiencias pasadas en otras empresas similares, compromisos explicitos del servicio, compromiso implicito del servicio y por los comentarios. Todo lo anterior conforma la percepción del cliente.