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Mostrando postagens de setembro 25, 2011

Estrategia: Oceanos Azules

Existen dos tipos de negocios, segun la teoria de Oceanos Azules y Rojos. En los Rojos, se encuentran todos los actores del Mercado. Ejemplo. Grandes tiendas. Por el contrario en un Oceano Azul, no hay competencia, es un espacio desconocido de mercado, es muy rentable, tiene un gran crecimiento, implica renuncia y diferenciacion. Ejemplo. Ipod. Para estar en un Oceano Azul es necesario lo siguiente: 1-Obsesion por ganar, no solo participar. 2-Trabajo en equipo. 3-Actividades siempre pensadas en el cliente. 4-Rapides de respuesta.

Handling Make-or-Break Conversations

By Joshep Grenny One of the most fascinating questions we asked the 525 people who reported life-changing conversations was whether fate or choice determined these outcomes. The loud and clear answer from our subjects was choice. Most people could identify specific things they did wrong or right that they believe shaped the course and outcome of those pivotal moments. According to respondents, the top three reasons conversations failed were: 1. Inability to control emotions. Many said they “lost it” and let their emotions get the best of them. In retrospect, they say there is much they could have done to moderate their emotions and keep things on a healthier plane. 2. Lack of safety, or inattentiveness to the psychological safety of the other person. Respondents reported that they could have done more to ensure that the other person understood their real motives in the conversation. 3. Silence and violence. Subjects said they tended to lose focus on their real goals and get sidetrac