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Estrategia comercial. Algunos lineamientos.

En primer lugar es necesario definir tus objetivos de mercado: Cuota de mercado y volumen de ventas El análisis del mercado nos puede permitir realizar una estimación de la cuota de mercado que podemos alcanzar con nuestro producto o servicio y establecer las previsiones de ventas para los tres primeros años de actividad de la empresa. Cliente objetivo Analizando nuestro mercado potencial (clientes potenciales) también podemos decidir, atendiendo a las características de tu producto o servicio y sobre la base de diferentes criterios, cuáles son los clientes a los que vamos a dirigir nuestra actividad y nuestros esfuerzos. En segundo lugar es necesario definir los instrumentos que se utilizarán para cumplir los objetivos de mercado y acercar nuestro producto o servicio a los futuros clientes. Podemos utilizar cuatro instrumentos: 1. Política de producto Deberás tener en cuenta, además de las características técnicas del producto, otros aspectos que haya que mejor

The Conscious Competence Ladder

Explaining the Model: Consciousness is the first step towards gaining knowledge. To learn new skills and to gain knowledge you need to be conscious of what you do and do not know. Next, competence is your ability to do things. You may be highly competent in one area, but have no skill in another. Your competence level will depend on the task or job at hand. The idea is that as you build expertise in a new area, you move from "unconscious incompetence" to "conscious incompetence" and then to "conscious competence", finally reaching "unconscious competence." Level 1 – Unconscious Incompetence (You Don't Know that You Don't Know) At this level you are blissfully ignorant: You have a complete lack of knowledge and skills in the subject in question. On top of this, you are unaware of this lack of skill, and your confidence may therefore far exceed your abilities. Level 2 – Conscious Incompetence (You Know that You

Marketing: Imagen y comunicación

La imagen y comunicación del marketing juegan un rol fundamental en la percepcion del cliente. Es transversal, por lo que afecta a todas las industrias. La percepeción del cliente se ve influida por: 1-Lo que sería optimo, es decir el servicio deseado. 2-La percepción de servicio, lo minimo que esta dispuesto a aceptar un cliente para estar satisfecho. Este minimo esta influido por: las experiencias pasadas en otras empresas similares, compromisos explicitos del servicio, compromiso implicito del servicio y por los comentarios. Todo lo anterior conforma la percepción del cliente.

Técnicas de Creatividad para la Innovación

SEIS SOMBREROS PARA PENSAR ¿Qué es? Es una técnica creada por  Edward De Bono , una herramienta de comunicación utilizada en todo el mundo para facilitar la resolución o el análisis de problemas desde distintos puntos de vista o perspectivas. Se trata de un marco de referencia para el pensamiento que puede incorporar el pensamiento lateral. La técnica completa se presenta en su libro "Seis Sombreros para pensar". ¿Para qué? El autor nos propone un método que nos permite pensar de manera más eficaz. Los seis sombreros representan seis maneras de pensar y deben ser considerados como direcciones de pensamiento más que como etiquetas para el pensamiento, es decir, que los sombreros se utilizan proactivamente y no reactivamente. Los beneficios derivados del uso de esta técnica son tres: Fomenta el pensamiento paralelo Fomenta el pensamiento en toda su amplitud Separa el ego del desempeño ¿Cómo? De Bono propone seis colores de sombre

Managing Business Analytics Projects

The Secrets to Managing Business Analytics Projects By Stijn Viaene and Annabel Van den Bunder September 21, 2011 Business analytics projects are often characterized by uncertain or changing requirements — and a high implementation risk. So it takes a special breed of project manager to execute and deliver them. Smart use of information technology can allow for frequent and faster iterations between the design and operating environments, improving experimentation efficiency. Managers have used business analytics to inform their decision making for years. Numerous studies have pointed to its growing importance, not only in analyzing past performance but also in identifying opportunities to improve future performance. As business environments become more complex and competitive, managers need to be able to detect or, even better, predict trends and respond to them early. Companies are giving business analytics increasingly high priority in hopes of

How Productive Are You?

by Mind tools No matter how well you're performing right now, you can almost always improve productivity. When you're more productive, you contribute strongly to the overall success and profitability of your organization. And it feels good to be in control of your time, and know that you can produce the results that are expected of you. To be more productive, get organized , have the right attitude , manage information you receive effectively, and actively seek ways to improve your working systems . Taking this approach will help you to increase your personal productivity and effectiveness.


Making best use of your time and resources Focus on priorities. © iStockphoto Prioritization is the essential skill you need to make the very best use of your own efforts and those of your team. It's also a skill that you need to create calmness and space in your life so that you can focus your energy and attention on the things that really matter. It is particularly important when time is limited and demands are seemingly unlimited. It helps you to allocate your time where it is most-needed and most wisely spent, freeing you and your team up from less important tasks that can be attended to later. or quietly dropped. With good prioritization (and careful management of deprioritized tasks) you can bring order to chaos, massively reduce stress, and move towards a successful conclusion. Without it, you'll flounder around, drowning in competing demands. Simple Prioritization At a simple level, you can prioritize based on time constraints, on the potential prof


La ejecución es una disciplina y parte integral de la estrategia. Dicha disciplina entendida como rigurosidad y consecuencia en la forma de administrar el tiempo. Ingredientes básicos del proceso de ejecución: 1-Hacer estrategia. 2-Revisar la estructura organizacional. 3-Medios de coordinación. Como funcionan? 4-Sistemas de información. deben ser 100% confiables. 5-Sistemas de incentivos y control, en la tareas criticas. 6-Plan operativo. 7-El presupuesto no se cambia jamás. Tips: 1-Nos miden por lo que hacemos y no por lo que decimos !! 2-Es importante conocer las tareas criticas.

Estrategia: Oceanos Azules

Existen dos tipos de negocios, segun la teoria de Oceanos Azules y Rojos. En los Rojos, se encuentran todos los actores del Mercado. Ejemplo. Grandes tiendas. Por el contrario en un Oceano Azul, no hay competencia, es un espacio desconocido de mercado, es muy rentable, tiene un gran crecimiento, implica renuncia y diferenciacion. Ejemplo. Ipod. Para estar en un Oceano Azul es necesario lo siguiente: 1-Obsesion por ganar, no solo participar. 2-Trabajo en equipo. 3-Actividades siempre pensadas en el cliente. 4-Rapides de respuesta.

Handling Make-or-Break Conversations

By Joshep Grenny One of the most fascinating questions we asked the 525 people who reported life-changing conversations was whether fate or choice determined these outcomes. The loud and clear answer from our subjects was choice. Most people could identify specific things they did wrong or right that they believe shaped the course and outcome of those pivotal moments. According to respondents, the top three reasons conversations failed were: 1. Inability to control emotions. Many said they “lost it” and let their emotions get the best of them. In retrospect, they say there is much they could have done to moderate their emotions and keep things on a healthier plane. 2. Lack of safety, or inattentiveness to the psychological safety of the other person. Respondents reported that they could have done more to ensure that the other person understood their real motives in the conversation. 3. Silence and violence. Subjects said they tended to lose focus on their real goals and get sidetrac

The Project Leader’s Branding Tool Kit

Smart project leaders know that doing a job well isn’t enough. As a project leader, you have to sell the project to internal audiences to get it funded, to rally teams, to create visibility and engagement. Figuring out just the right ways and just the right time to communicate core messages means adapting the principles of traditional brand management to the planning, development, launch and delivery of project initiatives: figuring out the project’s unique value proposition and expressing it in a way that creates something akin to actual brand loyalty among key audiences. How to do it? Check out this “5P framework” chart for a typical project branding sequence: Pitch, Plan, Platform, Performance and Payoff: The chart comes from Karen A. Brown, Richard Ettenson and Nancy Lea Hyer’s popular story in the Summer 2011 issue of MIT Sloan Management Review , “ Why Every Project Needs a Brand (and How to Create One) .” “With an understanding of the five branding phases, the project lead

Taking Advantage Of America's Stupidity

by Wendy Kaufman August 23, 2011 As the economy continues to sputter, many policymakers are looking to entrepreneurs to create new jobs. And many foreign-born, highly skilled entrepreneurs want to come to the United States and stay here, but immigration laws and policies haven't made that easy. In an effort to change that, the White House recently announced more flexible policies for granting visas. But many innovation experts say the changes aren't enough. Andrew Nicol is a young entrepreneur who was born in Australia and attended law school in the U.S. After graduation, he got an employer-sponsored visa that allowed him to work in New York. But when Nicol wanted to leave his day job and start a company, he was stymied. Leaving his job meant losing his visa. So Nicol decided to go to Chile. "I'm basically leaving New York to come to Santiago to start a business that targets New York consumers just because it's so much easier to do it from here, and there is so mu

Caída del euro genera preocupación sobre el estado de la economía mundial

Jue, 01/09/2011 Nueva York . El euro caía de manera generalizada este jueves tras datos manufactureros mejores a lo esperado en Estados Unidos que no lograron aplacar las preocupaciones sobre el deterioro económico global, a un día de conocerse cifras clave de empleo en Estados Unidos. El ritmo de crecimiento en el sector manufacturero estadounidense se desaceleró en agosto y se ubicó en su mínimo de dos años, aunque las cifras fueron mejores a lo previsto por los economistas. "No estamos viendo una escalada del dólar, ya que al final del día esto no elimina la necesidad emás estímulo por parte de la Fed", dijo Kathy Lien, directora de investigación en GFT Forex en Nueva York. "La clave sigue siendo el crecimiento del empleo", acotó. La moneda única ya había sido impactada por los débiles datos manufactureros de la mayoría de los países de la zona euro. Esta debilidad se propagó a Alemania, la mayor economía del bloque, donde la actividad manufacturera creció a su

Bolsa de Valores: Brasil " la más barata de A.Latina"

ENTREVISTA-Bolsa Brasil, la más barata en A.Latina: LarrainVial miércoles 24 de agosto de 2011 11:01 GYT   SANTIAGO (Reuters) - La bolsa brasileña es la más barata en América Latina y presenta oportunidades para buscar retornos en medio de las turbulencias internacionales, debido a que las acciones no están reflejando la solidez de las firmas, dijo el jefe para la región de la correduría LarrainVial AGF. Los principales mercados bursátiles de la zona, como los de Chile, Perú, Colombia y Brasil, registran fuertes caídas en lo que va del año, ante los temores sobre la salud de la economía mundial, aunque la plaza de Sao Paulo sobresale con un descenso superior al 20 por ciento. "Definitivamente es un buen momento para ver oportunidades en bolsas emergentes, en particular en Latinoamérica", dijo en una entrevista a Reuters Francisco Busquet, gerente de renta variable latinoamericana de LarrainVial AGF. "Brasil es lejos el que está más barato respecto al resto de los paí

Solving your employees' problems for them? Teach them new skills instead !!

MANAGEMENT: WHO´S GOT THE MONKEY? by William Oncken, Jr., and Donald L. Wass The Idea in Brief  You're racing down the hall. An employee stops you and says, "We've got a problem." You assume you should get involved but can't make an on-the-spot decision. You say, "Let me think about it." You've just allowed a "monkey" to leap from your subordinate's back to yours. You're now working for your subordinate . Take on enough monkeys, and you won't have time to handle your real job: fulfilling your own boss's mandates and helping peers generate business results. How to avoid accumulating monkeys? Develop your subordinates' initiative, say Oncken and Wass. For example, when an employee tries to hand you a problem, clarify whether he should: recommend and implement a solution, take action then brief you immediately, or act and report the outcome at a regular update. When you encourage employees to handle their own monkeys, t


El Liderazgo es una actividad que pude ser realizada por cualquier persona, por ello cada día surgen oportunidades de Liderazgo prácticamente en todas las facetas de nuestras vidas (planteamientos de desafíos importantes, problemas éticos y de valores, conflictos no resueltos, etc.). Es decir que cada día existe la posibilidad de producir cambios en las personas y en las situaciones que nos rodean y esto nos hace tener que tomar decisiones sobre si ejercemos el Liderazgo y hacemos una contribución o, simplemente, dejamos pasar el momento por no molestar o hacer ruido.Esta es la gran dificultad del Liderazgo, el tener que elegir y dejar las cosas como están o desafiar a situaciones y a relaciones y conducir a las personas a través de cambios que pueden afectar a aquello que más les afecta: sus hábitos y valores, sus maneras de pensar, etc. y lo que es peor, sin poder ofrecer una solución práctica o implementable sino, muchas veces ofreciendo solamente una posibilidad. Liderar supone muy

No product really has to be a commodity. The trick is to know what services your customers want—and to charge more.

Companies that sell  perfume, candy bars, and other consumer products are expert at “decommoditizing” them: finding and capturing the value of intangible benefits and building strong brand names that can (and are willing to pay for) quite different things. This would in turn help manufacturers focus on the segments whose business they can win and retain most profitably: the segments seeking product or service attributes that correspond to their strengths. provide a kind of differentiation in the minds of consumers. But companies that sell products such as bulk chemicals, paper, and steel to businesses tend to be unsophisticated in these matters. Burdened by corporate cultures that emphasize operations and sales over marketing, many of these companies constantly strive to churn out more and more product more and more cheaply and then to sell as much of it as possible at the market price. Viewing themselves as commodity producers, they are particularly likely to overlook the nonfunctiona

Worries Rise Over Spain and Italy DebtBy LIZ ALDERMAN AND MATTHEW SALTMARSH

PARIS — Just as European markets seemed to resume their normalcy after the tumult of their sovereign debt crises, the wolves are back at the door. Two weeks ago, the markets seemed to be on firmer footing after the new bailout of Greece was structured to prevent contagion. But on Tuesday, traders renewed their attacks on Italy and Spain pushing their borrowing costs, at least for now, to the tipping point that led Greece, Ireland and Portugal to apply for bailouts. Some people now fear that Italy and Spain could run out of cash to meet their debt obligations in a matter of months if, like the others, they are shut out of international markets. JPMorgan is warning its clients that Italy and Spain have thin margins of safety. The countries “will run out of cash in September and February respectively, if they lose access to funding markets,” the investment bank said. Those fears risk leading to “a self-fulfilling negative spiral,” the bank added. The rescue fund negotiated last month a